The Blue Wolves of Mibu manga also known as (Blue Miburo), and in Japnese as Ao No Miburo, is written and illustrated by Tsuyoshi Yasuda. The story takes place in 1863, during the end of the shogunate in Japan. The capital is filled with bloodshed as political tensions rise between masterless ronin and government samurai. Amidst this chaos, young orphan Nio dreams of justice and a better world.
One day, Nio meets Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Souji, key figures in the revolution and founding members of the Miburo, later known as the Shinsengumi. Inspired by their efforts, Nio joins their ranks to fight for the world he envisions. However, he faces constant challenges and betrayals that test his conscience.
The Blue Wolves of Mibu anime adaptation of will feature characters like Chirinu Nio (voiced by Shūichirō Umeda), Hijikata Toshizo (voiced by Yōhei Azakami), and Okita Soji. The anime is produced by Maho Film, directed by Kumiko Habara, with scripts by Kenta Ihara, character designs by Yūko Ōba and Miyako Nishida, and music by Yuki Hayashi. The series is set to premiere its first episode on October 12, 2024, on Yomiuri TV, Nippon TV, and other NNS affiliate stations.